Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Legend of the Frumious Bottom Squeezer

Once upon a time (maybe) there might have existed three persons (let's call them Jub Jub, Mome Rath, and Slithy Tove).  They lived together happily in a red brick residence that might been called Providence House, but, as with all good legends, facts are heavily mixed with fiction.  Anyway, Jub Jub, Mome Rath, and Slithy Tove were enjoying a meal around the table one day when the gripping subject of toothpaste came up.  Their conversation may have gone something like this:
    Jub Jub: "Why are people so hung up on the condition in which their spouse leaves the toothpaste tube?  You would think it was the sand in the spinach of marital bliss!"
    Mome Rath: "Well, it just doesn't make sense when the toothpaste is all spread out--it can be quite frustrating to the more perfect among us."
    Jub Jub: "True, I had noticed that you don't squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle."
    Slithy Tove: "Well, I have always considered myself to be a Bottom-Squeezer."
    Paralyzed silence while this revelation sank in.

Hide yo' wives, hide yo' kidz...they're squeezing everybody down here!

*Any resemblance to persons living or dead or events past or present is purely coincidental.

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