Monday, December 12, 2011

Advent resolutions

Since I have resolved to blog more during Advent here is today's post:

So it is Monday again and my project for today was to organize the office.  In actuality, the office refers to the pile of miscellaneous papers, bills, notes, and pieces of music laying on the dining room table.  My goal was to file the notes, bills, and papers in the desk in the real office and out the music in its designated shelf .  I know what you are thinking: "He has an office, yet the papers, bills, etc. end up on the dinging room table?"  My theory is that I'm not used to having an office.  At home, when I was a kid, that's where papers, bills, etc. got placed; but I digress.  It too some doing but I can say that I finished and the dining room table can now assume its primary function.

Speaking of Advent resolutions, I haven't really posted about Advent.  Here is a photo of mine and Emma's Advent wreath:

Tomorrow is also the feats of St. Lucy and Emma made a St. Lucy Crown Bread.  It is supposed to resemble the crown of St. Lucy.

Among other things I've also been writing Christmas cards.  I'm so shocked that I don't know who I am anymore.

And the last but certainly not least is that Emma has given me a resolution to lose weight.  I now have a gym membership!!  This actually helps since my sister and I are in a race to lose the most weight.  SO watch  out Marie I'm going to be the biggest loser!!!!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Joys of being a student.

Yesterday was my day off so I headed down to Bedford, TX for an organ lesson.  This was my first organ lesson with Barbara Burton, Director of Music/Organist - Emeritus at St. Vincent's Cathedral.  If you remember, Mrs. Burton played the dedicatory organ recital up here at St. Peters.  The organ is a three manual, 40 rank instrument built by Roy Redman of Fort Worth.

Here is a picture of the organ.

It is really great to be studying with someone again.   I think it is rather humorous that my previous teacher was also the organist at an Episcopal Cathedral.  It was a lesson plus a consultation.  I have asked her to help with grad school auditions, an upcoming recital in February, to fill in holes in my repertoire list, and most importantly to give me reasons to practice.  I feel that when I graduated from Webster I was just getting the hang of smart and effective practicing.  So in order to better myself I am going to keep studying with her until grad school.


Let it snow...

I woke up yesterday to fresh snow on the ground.  I was thoroughly delighted to see the huge wet flakes falling AND sticking to the groundfor the first time this year.  I was very even more delighted to know that it snowed in Texas before it snowed in St. Louis. Haha St. Louisans!!!

Snowfall in this part (or any part for that matter) of Texas is a bit different from snow in St. Louis: it doesn't get plowed. Texas doesn't have the necessary equipment to plow snow or salt highways.  Now I know some my St. Louis readers are probably thinking to themselves "Sure St. Louis has the equipment, we just don't use it", and I agree with you.  But when it snows heavily down here or more importantly when we get ice on the roads, everything stops.  Yes, you heard me, it stops.  I remember thinking once when visiting my in-laws after a snowfall that I would go practice up at the church in town.  Nope. Nothin' doin'. You don't go anywhere, except maybe on foot.  

Anyhow.  Fortunately it didn't snow enough for closure, the snow melted once it hit the roads, and the roads never froze.  So I guess just things kept going.  It still was pretty. 


Sunday, December 4, 2011

One would think....

that after listening to the people at Mass that the proper response to "The Lord be with you", is:  "and also with your spirit".  :)


Time for an update...

It's been far too long since I've posted anything on this blog.  I've decided as an Advent resolution that I will create time for things that I'm neglecting.  So in addition to several others things, my blog is now receiving more attention.  Some much has happened since the last post that it is hard to know where to begin.

I will star with Advent.  Normally it is just the beginning of another liturgical year, but this year is unique.  Starting last week, we (i.e. English speaking Catholics) welcomed and implemented a new translation of the Roman Missal; the book that contains the prayers for the celebration of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  This 3rd edition of the Roman Missal is a more faithful English translation of the Latin version of the same Missal.  Why is it so important?  Well, it is the most comprehensive change to all parts of the Mass since the publication of the 2nd edition of the Roman Missal in 1974.  An entire generation has known only this Mass until just last week when the new translation went into effect.

St. Peter's has been diligently preparing for this new translation.  Since mid-October we have hosted a series of lectures every Sunday evening that examines closely the changes  in order to give a deeper and greater appreciation and understanding of the Mass.;  it's almost like when Facebook updates it's format, just not as often. :)  It's been really great since the church just finished its restoration project this past summer, so now in the fall we have not only a new and beautiful church, but a new(ish) and beautiful liturgy.

During these lectures we included time to sing through the new setting of the Mass Ordinary (i.e. Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.)  The setting was written earlier this year by Jeff Ostrowski, it's a simple chant-style setting with very singable and easy to learn melodies.  What do you think?





The beauty of this mass is its simplicity;  straight-forward but elegant.  It isn't "catchy" as some settings but you certainly feel a sense of the sacrality of the texts.  Moreover, the melodies are so closely knit with their respective texts regarding word accents and speech rhythms that they feel comfortable and are pleasing to sing.

All in all, it has been an exciting past few weeks.  There will be more to come soon!

- Andy

Friday, November 18, 2011

New Bed!

I'm afraid this week's installment of "Nights on the Square" is a little late.  I'm actually posting this on Wednesday morning.  Better late than never I suppose!  Moreover, I didn't even spend the evening in Denton!  But there was quite an adventure on Monday nevertheless.  So I will call this "Day in Frisco at IKEA."  Yes, that's right, we went to IKEA on Monday.  

The day actually began a little before our trip to IKEA with me going to Denton for a dentist appointment.  Yikes!!!  I haven't seen a dentist in about 2-3 years, perhaps even longer.  The reason for my visit was that one of my wisdom teeth is coming in at a strange angle.  I went in prepared for the worst: several cavities, years of orthodontics, root canals, removal of all my wisdom teeth.  However, I escaped with little damage: I need to have two of my wisdom teeth removed.  The tooth that is causing me trouble is coming out and its upper neighbor.  Other than that, I was pleased to find out that I have perfectly healthy teeth!! 

And now to the important stuff: IKEA! 

When I got back to my in-laws house, Emma and I and her family packed up into their pick-up and we were off.   IKEA is one of those places that you think only in Texas would something like this be found.  However, it isn't even American, its Swedish!!  The inside is little bit like this   as you weave through show room after show room of possibilities of decorating anything in your house from bathroom to kitchen.  Our quest for the day was to find a bed.  I have always been impressed with the designs of the bedrooms that IKEA displays.  They also show numerous designs for a specific size of room. 

or this: , or this: .  Anyhow, after searching and searching, we finally found the design of bed we liked:
.   The names for every IKEA product are always in Swedish so it provides people like me loads of entertainment trying to pronounce these names like Swedish Chef from the Muppets.  This particular bed is called the Konsmo, so naturally I have to call it the Konsmo-bonsmo berknamen;  it was loads of fun doing this.  

So after browsing through the show-rooms on the second floor of IKEA we headed downstairs to the warehouse to get the parts that are neatly packaged in boxes.  Apparently, the Konsmo-bonsmo berknamen is one hot item.  We found only the matress and the box-spring;  the entire bed frame was out of stock!!  So with mixed susscess we headed back to Pilot-Point/Lindsay with the matress and box spring.  Thankfully this bed will be back in stock in a few weeks.  Until then, I can say wtih certainty that the bed is really comfortable.  I would even suggest buying one's bed at IKEA than any other furniture store (even a sleep number!)  They are comfortable, have great warranties, and seriously at a fraction of the cost.  Anyways, great beds in my opnion.   

So after a long day, Emma headed to Denton to choir rehearsal and me and my father-in-law headed over to Lindsay to unload the bed.  But it's not over yet.....

We arrived in at about 7pm and unpacked the matress first. We got it off the pick-up in the house and as we got up the stairs the matress got caught between the steps and the second floor.  We pushed and pushed and tried manuevering it every which way and barely got it through.  Thankfull the matress is flexible and it went through, however, a box spring is not so.  After gettting the matress barely through the opening we started to despair beacuse we knew the box spring was a completely different being.  Then I had a brilliant idea!  The items were wrapped in plastic and thick cardboard around the edges to protect it from movers like us.  However, I was dteremined to get this bed in the house.  We went down and removed all the packing, said a prayer, and tried it.  With a but of pushing and creaking from the frame, it went through the opening. I was elated, relieved, smelly, and exhausted.  I had visions of having to tell Emma that we couldn't fit the bed through the opening in the stairs and having to bring the bed all the way back to IKEA, etc.  Thankfully, it went through and Emma and I are enjoying some great and restful sleep.


October 10, 2011 - The weekend of "Firsts"

I will start this post off with a first: a first blog post in a long while.  Life has been rather hectic these past few days and prevented me from blogging.  So this is really the first time I've been able to blog in about two weeks.

So the weekend kicked itself off on Thursday evening when my cousin Ryan, his girlfriend Adrienne (now fiancee, more about that later), and two of my aunts Karen and Eddie came to visit.  It was the first time Emma and me have had guests at the house.  They were the first family visitors from St. Louis too!  Anyways, their visit is so integral to the this weekend of "firsts."  The very first "first" came on the evening when they arrived. My aunt Karen had packed eight pints of Chocolate Ted Drewes in dry ice and brought them down with her. So I had my first Ted Drewes since we moved.  Heaven!!!!

Thursday night was a first for me but this requires a little back story.  Our house moans when it's windy outside.  Somehow the winds catches a few vents in the soffitt on the house and the result is that of a pipe organ with an erratic bellows (sorry for the pipe organ lingo).  Or more appropriately it sounds like someone moaning at the top of one's lungs  Anyways, Thursday night had some of the worst wind I've ever experienced in Texas.  Emma and I couldn't sleep it was so bad!!

Friday also brought with it some  "firsts."  Ryan and Adrienne left early to spend the day in Fort Worth where Ryan proposed to Adrienne at the Fort Worth Water Gardens.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to come down and celebrate with them because I had to work.  My Children's Choir here at St. Peter's had their debut.  They sang for a Holy Hour on Friday afternoon that was part of a world-wide Holy Hour; people all over the world were in adoration at the same time!  Kind of cool, I think.  Anyways, kudos to them, they sang beautifully.  Next week, they sing for their first Mass. 

After the Holy Hour, Emma and I packed up and set off with our Aunts to meet up with the blissful couple.  We arrived and had dinner at my favorite Tex-Mex places: Joe T. Garcia's.  There we had a wonderful dinner in the beautiful courtyard.  We even had some music!!
(this guy was really good!!!!)
After dinner, my aunts went back home while the rest of us went to a rodeo at the Stockyards in Fort Worth. I wish I could say it was my first rodeo, but it wasn't.  It was Ryan and Adrienne's, however, which was great!! 

Saturday I had to leave early for a rehearsal down in the Fort Worth area at St. Vincent's Episcopal Cathedral. 

The rehearsal was for St. Peter's very first Organ Recital followed by Solemn Vespers.  I was rehearsing with the singers that came and sang for Vespers.  We didn't rehearse in the church itself, but one of the singers, who happened to be the recently retired Director of Music took me up to see the organ.  

This is a fine instrument!  It was built by the same man who restored the organ at St. Peter's: Roy Redman.  This is his largest work I believe.  Anyways, it was one of the best instruments I've been privileged to play since I moved here.  The action (it's a tracker) is easy, the console is comfortable, and has a wonderful ensemble at full organ.  It recently received a horizontal Festival Trumpet and while  I'm not usually a fan of such stops, this is how an en chamade should sound.  It was clear and brilliant without being too bright and the clarity of its speech was perfect!  Most of these stops sound like more air is escaping from the pipe rather than going into it. And the room is surprisingly resonant!, about 3 1/4 seconds.  It is a rather impressive instrument.

After the rehearsal I headed back up to Denton to have lunch with the everyone who had come down from Lindsay. After lunch, I went back to Lindsay to get ready for Children's Choir and the evening Vigil Mass at St. Peter's.  Right before Mass the wind kicked up and it started to rain.  During Mass, the wind knocked out the power right before the consecration. Fortunately, there was enough light to still see and it was fun having Mass by candlelight.  Thankfully, the organ has a manual bellows that can be pumped by hand or by the electricity powered blower.  I sent a text message to my cousin to come pump the organ for me while I finished playing for Mass.  This was my first period organ Mass where the wind was not being supplied by the blower.  I see why Bach's servants or the village idiot did this job, Ryan was sweating profusely by the end of Mass.  But think of the exercise one would receive doing this job; they must have been pumped!!! (hahahahaha)

Anyways,  the power was also out at home so we had to have dinner out.  We went down to Sarah's on the Square in Gainesville, TX where I saw the best sign in the men's room ever!!

Sunday was the biggest day of "firsts" for Lindsay and St. Peter's.  Firstly, it was raining and I mean it was raining.  This is probably the first time Lindsay has had a real rain since July!  it was glorious to see.  I played for the morning masses without losing power thankfully and it rained all day. 

Sunday evening we had the first Organ Recital and Solemn Vespers.  The Organist Emeritus of St. Vincent's Episcopal Cathedral, Dr. Barbara Burton, gave a splendid recital on the newly restored instrument.  The program included some pieces I had never heard before.  Her registrations were beautiful and really showcased the colors of the instrument.

 The psalm settings for vespers were by Fr. Samuel Weber, O.S.B. with a setting of the Magnificat by Cristobal de Morales.  In addition, the group of singers sang the lovely motet "O Sacrum Convivium" by Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci of the Vatican.  Afterwards there was lovely recpetion in the parish hall. 

All in all this weekend of firsts was exciting and one of the best I've had in Lindsay yet!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nights on the square

I have to admit that there really is not much to do in Lindsay, TX except work, eat, sleep, and practice the organ (not neccessarily in that order).  Moreover, Lindsay's age demographic is older than Emma and me.  There are plenty of young families here with kids and older families with grown up kids, but there is a serious lack of people our age (i.e. 23-30 range.)  My theory is that the kids go off to college and upon graduating find jobs and move away.  When they get married and start having kids then they move back to Lindsay.  This is not at all a bad plan; Lindsay is probably one of the best places on earth to raise a family that supports, nourishes, encourages the Catholic faith.  However, Emma and I have not yet been blessed with children and we are, essentially, BORED!!!!!

Now, I'm not saying we are bored with each other.  As a matter of fact, moving to Lindsay has been great for us!  I get to see her more because I work across the street and can come home for lunch, we get up and walk most mornings, and we work together more frequently.  So that part has been great, but evenings in are starting to get old and we need some variety.  And we have been doing just that!

Emma and has rejoined the Denton Bach Choir, a volunteer group of retired musicians, students, enthusiasts, people looking for a musical outlet, etc.  For my Webster friends, think of it as the people of the Webster Choral Society with the talent that is more comparable with the Bach Society or the American Kantorei.  Anyhow, she has been rehearsing with them on Monday nights.  I joined them as well but there first concert conflicts with a talk I'm giving on the New Translation in October; so I will join them after that.  So in the meantime, I've been carousing around the the town of Denton, TX while she rehearses.  Lame? perhaps, but Denton is a neat college town and it gives me something to do.  I call them my "Nights on the Square."

Now one might possibly ask: "what is there to do in Denton?" Well, quite a bit.  For starters, if you're a lover of used books, cds, etc.  There is a wonderful place on the southeastern corner of the square called Recycled Books.    This is a wonderful place that is a dangerous place bookaphile like me.  But it doesn't sell just books; sheet music, cds, records, movies, dvds, etc. can all be found in this great store.  For instance, I have found wonderful editions of piano, organ, vocal music that would be very expensive new for next to nothing here.  I recently picked a DVD of a Met Opera production of Das Rheingold here for the little sum of $18.  Seriously, one can spend a lot of money in this place.  So I've decided that each Tuesday morning will feature my "Nights on the Square" that will document what I did the night before while Emma was diligently rehearsing music for the next concert.  Stay tuned!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Celebration Mass

Last night we celebrated the restoration of St. Peter's in Lindsay with a Mass celebrated by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Kevin Vann.  St. Peter's was packed in the nave and in the loft.  It was a wonderful evening that ended with veneration of a relic of the True Cross along with a nice reception in the large parish hall.  It was a joy to see that a good friend of mine, Fr. Samuel Weber, attended this Mass.  I knew that he was in the area (Fort Worth is actually a little over an hour away, but that's not too far), and was very pleased to see him.  As a matter of fact we sang a new setting of his for the Sprinkling Rite.  He said he was amazed as he walked into the church and then heard the choir rehearsing his music.  I was privileged to play with a very fine trumpeter, Dr. Jerry Biershenk?, who accompanied the hymns and some of the service music with lovely descants and provided  a fun little prelude piece for trumpet and organ.   The choir sang beautifully! and as I prepare for the first weekly rehearsal tonight I look forward to working with such a delightful and talented group of people.  Unfortunately, I was so busy that I didn't manage to get many pictures of the Mass last night.  Needless to say,  it went off without a hitch,  the restoration is finished, and my first large music project is over!

September 15 - Our Lady of Sorrows

Today is the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows and here is a sample of music inspired by the liturgy of today.  This is one of my favorites settings of this text; it just does my little Baroque heart some good!!  Not to mention it features one of the best sopranos who sings this period of repertoire: Emma Kirkby.  Yes this is my bias, but I don't think there are few sopranos with such clarity and warmth of tone.  Anyhow, Happy feast day and enjoy!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross

Today is the day!  Hard to imagine that it has been exactly one month since I've been in St. Louis playing for a Mass celebrated by the Most Rev. Robert Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis.  Today I will play for a Mass to celebrate the restoration project of St. Peter's in Lindsay celebrated by the Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Bishop of Fort Worth!   The past few days have been a little hectic in the office as we tried to tidy up in little bits here and there;  even the church received a few small touches yesterday.  The organ is in tune (mostly!) and the choir at their last rehearsal on Sunday sounds prepared.  It has even been threatening to rain this morning!  It is dark and overcast, and the roll of thunder is heard often.  It would seem an odd thing to want rain on a day like this but, all of north Texas hasn't had rain since June I think.  

In other news, I read on the New Liturgical Movement blog that the Holy See has delivered an 'ultimatum' of sorts to the SSPX regarding reconciliation with Rome.  The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has given the Society an explanation and criteria for interpretation of certain Vatican II documents that were of issue with the Society.  I personally think that this is the most the Church can do;  please pray for the reconciliation of the Society.

Monday Morning - September 12

It's Monday again and it seems like time has flown this week.  Yesterday afternoon I had a rehearsal with the Adult Choir to get ready for the Bishop's visit.  The choir will sing two specially prepared pieces for this Mass.  One, a setting of the wonderful text "Jesu, the very thought of Thee" at the offertory.  The second, a setting of one of my favorite communion texts: "Anima Christi".  The offertory anthem is set by British composer/arranger Simon Lole, taken from the Oxford Easy Anthem collection.  The communion some might consider cheesy, but it is simple and sounds good.  Arranged by Charles Thatcher,  the text is the traditional prayer set to the Mode II psalm tone.  In between each verse Thatcher inserts little organ versets by French Classical composer Jean Titelouze (1562-1633).  The result is quite nice;  the polyphony of the organ versets contrasts wonderfully with the simple psalm-tone the choir sings. Perhaps it's a little too simple but, then again I've only had three rehearsals with them.  Moreover,  in the words of my organ professor, Pat Partridge,  "it makes the choir and the organ sound good!"  I'm looking forward to performing this with them on Wednesday evening.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Derek Chester and the Denton Bach Players.

Last night Emma, myself, and my mother-in-law, spent the evening in Denton, TX at a concert on the campus of the University of North Texas.  The concert was given for the benefit of the Denton Bach Society.  The program was arias, recitatives, sinfonias, and a complete cantata by Bach.  The tenor soloist, was Derek Chester, a superbly brilliant tenor! Derek is a doctoral candidate at UNT studying with Jennifer Lane.  He tackled some of the most demanding Bach arias with ease and managed to do so with a smile on his face.  The Denton Bach Players, under the direction of Andrew Justice, were a delight to hear perform;  the consort included two violins, cello, bass, transverse flute, and oboe d'amour with continuo.   The strings played with period bows and they were excellent.  The tempos were a little on the fast side, but the musicality of the players, especially Mr. Chester, offered a stunning performance of each piece!  There will be a repeat performance at Christ the King Catholic Church in Dallas in October. 

Overall, it was a delightful evening that ended with some Braums' soft-serve on the way home.  While on the road, we tuned into the local classic music station and they were playing Brahms' (coincidence: eating Braums while listening to Brahms) Requiem.  This was a recording done 9 days after 9/11 in New York at Avery Fischer Hall to commemorate the victims of the attacks.  'Twas a great evening indeed!

September 7 (Lindsay in the Morning)

Today is day three of chilly mornings here in Lindsay and the North Texas region.  A front moved through on Sunday evening and brought with it some rather strong winds and eventually temperatures in the low 70's in the mornings.  The house faces east and has a great view of the sunrise.  

Emma and I have had some rather interesting events in the past few days. Emma discovered a leak in the plumbing of the house.  And by discovered I mean she looked up and saw a huge bubble-like bulge coming down from the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom.  The leak was formed because the caulk under the drain of the upstairs shower had dried out.  It dried out because no one has lived in this house for over a year and houses need people to inhabit them. Anyways,  thankfully it wasn't to much of a problem and it is now fixed.

We've spent the past few mornings walking through town.  Since the weather has been cool,  it is pleasant and a good way to start the day. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Beginning

This is hopefully the first of many posts.  I've never 'blogged' before and am usually opposed to doing so. However, Emma and I have moved approximately 600 miles away from our home in St. Louis to the small town of Lindsay, TX. We moved from my hometown of 23 years to this small town not far from her home town and her folks.  But for those of you who have discovered  this blog and will continue to read it (thanks!), let's back up and see how we got here in the first place.

The Beginning
My name is Andy,
and I'm a church musician.
Unfortunately, no, I do not play this organ....

Anyways, about five years ago I met this girl from Texas named Emma and we got married!

Being a church organist I have had several positions within my somewhat still short career.  Here are a few places that I've been either organist or assistant organist. 
St. Francis de Sales Oratory, interim organist, and assistant organist

St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish, assistant organist

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, organist

All of these parishes have been in St. Louis.  My new assignment is in Lindsay, TX at St. Peter's Catholic Church.  It is my hope to do graduate studies while I'm here at one of the many universities in the area. Here are a few pictures of St. Peter's. 
The High Altar

The Nave

The Organ and Choir loft

A view of the nave from the loft

A picture of the Church at dusk

The Church at dawn right before my first morning mass
So here we are in Lindsay, TX.  Emma and I are settling into our lovely new/old house (pictures of that to come soon).  The parish is practically the entire town of Lindsay; about 1018 people with weekend mass attendance at about 825-850 and growing. The church is newly restored after two years of renovation from water damage in the ceilings.  I've never seen a more devout parish than St. Peter's; this is a really unique place to be.  This blog is dedicated to chronicling all of the events that goes in this little yet surprisingly active parish.