I have to admit that there really is not much to do in Lindsay, TX except work, eat, sleep, and practice the organ (not neccessarily in that order). Moreover, Lindsay's age demographic is older than Emma and me. There are plenty of young families here with kids and older families with grown up kids, but there is a serious lack of people our age (i.e. 23-30 range.) My theory is that the kids go off to college and upon graduating find jobs and move away. When they get married and start having kids then they move back to Lindsay. This is not at all a bad plan; Lindsay is probably one of the best places on earth to raise a family that supports, nourishes, encourages the Catholic faith. However, Emma and I have not yet been blessed with children and we are, essentially, BORED!!!!!
Now, I'm not saying we are bored with each other. As a matter of fact, moving to Lindsay has been great for us! I get to see her more because I work across the street and can come home for lunch, we get up and walk most mornings, and we work together more frequently. So that part has been great, but evenings in are starting to get old and we need some variety. And we have been doing just that!
Emma and has rejoined the Denton Bach Choir, a volunteer group of retired musicians, students, enthusiasts, people looking for a musical outlet, etc. For my Webster friends, think of it as the people of the Webster Choral Society with the talent that is more comparable with the Bach Society or the American Kantorei. Anyhow, she has been rehearsing with them on Monday nights. I joined them as well but there first concert conflicts with a talk I'm giving on the New Translation in October; so I will join them after that. So in the meantime, I've been carousing around the the town of Denton, TX while she rehearses. Lame? perhaps, but Denton is a neat college town and it gives me something to do. I call them my "Nights on the Square."
Now one might possibly ask: "what is there to do in Denton?" Well, quite a bit. For starters, if you're a lover of used books, cds, etc. There is a wonderful place on the southeastern corner of the square called Recycled Books.
This is a wonderful place that is a dangerous place bookaphile like me. But it doesn't sell just books; sheet music, cds, records, movies, dvds, etc. can all be found in this great store. For instance, I have found wonderful editions of piano, organ, vocal music that would be very expensive new for next to nothing here. I recently picked a DVD of a Met Opera production of
Das Rheingold here for the little sum of $18. Seriously, one can spend a lot of money in this place. So I've decided that each Tuesday morning will feature my "Nights on the Square" that will document what I did the night before while Emma was diligently rehearsing music for the next concert. Stay tuned!!