Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Let it snow...

I woke up yesterday to fresh snow on the ground.  I was thoroughly delighted to see the huge wet flakes falling AND sticking to the groundfor the first time this year.  I was very even more delighted to know that it snowed in Texas before it snowed in St. Louis. Haha St. Louisans!!!

Snowfall in this part (or any part for that matter) of Texas is a bit different from snow in St. Louis: it doesn't get plowed. Texas doesn't have the necessary equipment to plow snow or salt highways.  Now I know some my St. Louis readers are probably thinking to themselves "Sure St. Louis has the equipment, we just don't use it", and I agree with you.  But when it snows heavily down here or more importantly when we get ice on the roads, everything stops.  Yes, you heard me, it stops.  I remember thinking once when visiting my in-laws after a snowfall that I would go practice up at the church in town.  Nope. Nothin' doin'. You don't go anywhere, except maybe on foot.  

Anyhow.  Fortunately it didn't snow enough for closure, the snow melted once it hit the roads, and the roads never froze.  So I guess just things kept going.  It still was pretty. 



  1. Hey Andy,
    Although we didn't have any "huge, wet flakes" today, we did have flurries through the morning and early afternoon that left a faint dusting like confectioner's sugar on everything. Take that! HAHA!

  2. Yay snow! It snowed a little here, but only a little. It is seriously cold though. BRRRR

  3. Uh... you can keep the snow in Texas. Some of us in St. Louis (e.g. those from Atlanta) will not mind at all.

