Friday, September 9, 2011

September 7 (Lindsay in the Morning)

Today is day three of chilly mornings here in Lindsay and the North Texas region.  A front moved through on Sunday evening and brought with it some rather strong winds and eventually temperatures in the low 70's in the mornings.  The house faces east and has a great view of the sunrise.  

Emma and I have had some rather interesting events in the past few days. Emma discovered a leak in the plumbing of the house.  And by discovered I mean she looked up and saw a huge bubble-like bulge coming down from the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom.  The leak was formed because the caulk under the drain of the upstairs shower had dried out.  It dried out because no one has lived in this house for over a year and houses need people to inhabit them. Anyways,  thankfully it wasn't to much of a problem and it is now fixed.

We've spent the past few mornings walking through town.  Since the weather has been cool,  it is pleasant and a good way to start the day. 

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