Monday, December 12, 2011

Advent resolutions

Since I have resolved to blog more during Advent here is today's post:

So it is Monday again and my project for today was to organize the office.  In actuality, the office refers to the pile of miscellaneous papers, bills, notes, and pieces of music laying on the dining room table.  My goal was to file the notes, bills, and papers in the desk in the real office and out the music in its designated shelf .  I know what you are thinking: "He has an office, yet the papers, bills, etc. end up on the dinging room table?"  My theory is that I'm not used to having an office.  At home, when I was a kid, that's where papers, bills, etc. got placed; but I digress.  It too some doing but I can say that I finished and the dining room table can now assume its primary function.

Speaking of Advent resolutions, I haven't really posted about Advent.  Here is a photo of mine and Emma's Advent wreath:

Tomorrow is also the feats of St. Lucy and Emma made a St. Lucy Crown Bread.  It is supposed to resemble the crown of St. Lucy.

Among other things I've also been writing Christmas cards.  I'm so shocked that I don't know who I am anymore.

And the last but certainly not least is that Emma has given me a resolution to lose weight.  I now have a gym membership!!  This actually helps since my sister and I are in a race to lose the most weight.  SO watch  out Marie I'm going to be the biggest loser!!!!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Joys of being a student.

Yesterday was my day off so I headed down to Bedford, TX for an organ lesson.  This was my first organ lesson with Barbara Burton, Director of Music/Organist - Emeritus at St. Vincent's Cathedral.  If you remember, Mrs. Burton played the dedicatory organ recital up here at St. Peters.  The organ is a three manual, 40 rank instrument built by Roy Redman of Fort Worth.

Here is a picture of the organ.

It is really great to be studying with someone again.   I think it is rather humorous that my previous teacher was also the organist at an Episcopal Cathedral.  It was a lesson plus a consultation.  I have asked her to help with grad school auditions, an upcoming recital in February, to fill in holes in my repertoire list, and most importantly to give me reasons to practice.  I feel that when I graduated from Webster I was just getting the hang of smart and effective practicing.  So in order to better myself I am going to keep studying with her until grad school.


Let it snow...

I woke up yesterday to fresh snow on the ground.  I was thoroughly delighted to see the huge wet flakes falling AND sticking to the groundfor the first time this year.  I was very even more delighted to know that it snowed in Texas before it snowed in St. Louis. Haha St. Louisans!!!

Snowfall in this part (or any part for that matter) of Texas is a bit different from snow in St. Louis: it doesn't get plowed. Texas doesn't have the necessary equipment to plow snow or salt highways.  Now I know some my St. Louis readers are probably thinking to themselves "Sure St. Louis has the equipment, we just don't use it", and I agree with you.  But when it snows heavily down here or more importantly when we get ice on the roads, everything stops.  Yes, you heard me, it stops.  I remember thinking once when visiting my in-laws after a snowfall that I would go practice up at the church in town.  Nope. Nothin' doin'. You don't go anywhere, except maybe on foot.  

Anyhow.  Fortunately it didn't snow enough for closure, the snow melted once it hit the roads, and the roads never froze.  So I guess just things kept going.  It still was pretty. 


Sunday, December 4, 2011

One would think....

that after listening to the people at Mass that the proper response to "The Lord be with you", is:  "and also with your spirit".  :)


Time for an update...

It's been far too long since I've posted anything on this blog.  I've decided as an Advent resolution that I will create time for things that I'm neglecting.  So in addition to several others things, my blog is now receiving more attention.  Some much has happened since the last post that it is hard to know where to begin.

I will star with Advent.  Normally it is just the beginning of another liturgical year, but this year is unique.  Starting last week, we (i.e. English speaking Catholics) welcomed and implemented a new translation of the Roman Missal; the book that contains the prayers for the celebration of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  This 3rd edition of the Roman Missal is a more faithful English translation of the Latin version of the same Missal.  Why is it so important?  Well, it is the most comprehensive change to all parts of the Mass since the publication of the 2nd edition of the Roman Missal in 1974.  An entire generation has known only this Mass until just last week when the new translation went into effect.

St. Peter's has been diligently preparing for this new translation.  Since mid-October we have hosted a series of lectures every Sunday evening that examines closely the changes  in order to give a deeper and greater appreciation and understanding of the Mass.;  it's almost like when Facebook updates it's format, just not as often. :)  It's been really great since the church just finished its restoration project this past summer, so now in the fall we have not only a new and beautiful church, but a new(ish) and beautiful liturgy.

During these lectures we included time to sing through the new setting of the Mass Ordinary (i.e. Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.)  The setting was written earlier this year by Jeff Ostrowski, it's a simple chant-style setting with very singable and easy to learn melodies.  What do you think?





The beauty of this mass is its simplicity;  straight-forward but elegant.  It isn't "catchy" as some settings but you certainly feel a sense of the sacrality of the texts.  Moreover, the melodies are so closely knit with their respective texts regarding word accents and speech rhythms that they feel comfortable and are pleasing to sing.

All in all, it has been an exciting past few weeks.  There will be more to come soon!

- Andy